Who am I?

Nobody. Just a voice in the darkness.

This world is being consumed by darkness and only one thing currently holds it back from being completely devoured, the Holy Spirit.

A war has been playing out in our world from the very beginning, a war for the hearts, minds, and souls of every human being that has ever lived. The father of this war has been hiding in the darkness, biding his time and carrying out his dark plans and desires from there. This hidden one is the Devourer, the Father of Lies, the Enemy of our souls, called Lucifer and Satan, the Fallen Angel Of light.

The war is about to enter a new phase and the enemy will no longer be content staying hidden in the safety of the shadows. Our world, as it has fallen further and further away from God, has grown darker and darker and now this darkness is equal to the shadows from which he has been existing since he was cursed by God.  There will be those, however few in number, who will oppose this darkness in any way they can. These are those who chose neither the darkness or the light while things were yet easy. But at the time the Holy Spirit is removed from the world they will finally choose to side with the light regardless of the cost that choice will now cost them, for there is always a choice, even to the very end. You can still choose to seek the light, or accept the dark. Life or Death.

Light shines eternal, it only goes away for a while, until the time is complete. It will return, and then all things will be made right and new. Have faith and hold strong to what is eternally good and true. And above all things, remember, you have only one thing that is truly yours and that can never be taken away, this is the Choices you make. So, “choose now this day whom you shall serve…” Joshua 24:15

Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV)

19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live…